Visiting my host Tom Brown at his "Creekhouse" above Lexington.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Turning a corner.

As I turned the corner at Robertson and Beverly walking back from my lunch in Weho it suddenly dawned on me that finally I was "literally" turning a corner emotionally. The past two months have been a roller-coaster of feelings from the past and dealings from the wreckage of my present life. "Enough already" I said to God. God and I have been having many conversations lately. Mostly late at night in the stillness when I tell her/him, "I surrender already! Show me what I am to do here!"

Three valuable lessons have come out of this time I have spent with God.

One: You can't take it with you, most of it goes to charity.
Two: Love the one's you're with.

Notice there was nothing in both of those about job, career, money, what do I wear to this club/AA meeting etc.

And finally number three.

The toughest lesson of all I's all an inside job. Only I can change me from being a selfish, self-centered asshole into someone who is a man who suits up and shows up for family, friends and work. All the work I have done lead up to my surrender the day after my birthday on June 19th. At 44 I realized that nothing and I mean "no thing" outside of myself will EVER fix me. Ever.

We spend most of our lives being very busy. Constantly doing things and being somewhere only to stress that we need to be somewhere else soon so let's get going to somewhere else.

I can't remember when I last sat and listened to music just for the hell of it. Have you listened to a good album lately? Oh yeah they stopped making good music somewhere right after the Bee Gee's hit us with a late Disco hit after hit. Except for Nora Jones and few others well these are the exceptions. Those of you who are musically inclined please enlighten me to some good stuff man!

Or what about just sitting and reading a really great book. Grisham is good for this. He is getting better for those of you who are not big fans.

Finally when was the last time you had a friend out for coffee just to spend time with them and have no agenda as to when you would be done with the evening?

Here at The Curly Word I am going to take my own advice and load a iPod with a good album, then read a great book while waiting for a friend at Aroma Coffee in Studio City and talk until the cows come home.

How about you?

The Curl

(This Blogspot is so named in honor of my best girlfriend Miss Tamblyn who nicknamed me this year's ago ya'll.)