Visiting my host Tom Brown at his "Creekhouse" above Lexington.

Friday, November 07, 2008

A Trailer Park: Somewhere between Little Rock, AK and Branson, MO.

Mama and her son Buddy Lee ponder the future of Arkansas' youth.

Mama: Hand me my cigarettes sweetie.
(She lights two and hands him one.)

Buddy Lee: Those GD, MF Evangelicals have done it again mama!

Mama: Keep your voice down. The Gunderson's next door might here.

Buddy Lee: I don't give a good GD if they do! (Inhale/Exhale) You know what really frightens me mama? Do you want to really know what frightens me?

Mama: Spending the rest of your life sewing sequins onto the costumes at the Dixie Stampede in Branson?

Buddy Lee: Well that frightens me, but seriously mama?

Mama: (Inhale/Exhale) Yes baby.

Buddy Lee: What frightens me the most for the youth of Arkansas, is the thought that my sister and her right wing Republican, born again, self righteous, holier than thou husband could actually get to foster or adopt a child
Mama: That is frightening. (Inhale/Exhale) And just wrong on so many levels.

Buddy Lee: We both know that he ain't right.

Mama: You can say that again.

Buddy Lee: He ain't right. (Inhale/Exhale) I thought about moving to California to find me a man.

Mama: Oh now why do you want to go and do that. They ain't nothing but trouble.

Buddy Lee: I was real hopefully, but it looks like I can't get married there or in Florida.

Mama: Think of all the money they would have made at Disneyland AND Disneyworld off all of them gay weddings. Sad.

Buddy Lee: I wish every florist, hairdresser, dress maker, wedding planner and caterer who is gay would just refuse to do another straight wedding from now until next June.

Mama: That is cruel and unusual punishment. (Inhale/Exhale)

Buddy Lee: That would be some ugly bitches.

Mama: Would get their attention.
They'd think twice next time before legislating all that hate, huh baby.

Buddy Lee: You got that right mama. If we can't get married, then fuck 'em.

Mama: Amen to that honey! (Inhale/Exhale) Hand your mama that bottle of Scotch baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Dixie Stampede is one of my favorite Branson shows!